Wednesday, May 5, 2010

yes, yes I am reading ECLIPSE again... and, of course, I am sucked in!

I'm sure those of you who are Twilight fans already know that the next movie, Eclipse, is coming out next month in JUNE! I am kind of surprised that they are releasing it earlier this time around.

I am generally not one to re-read books, but my friend and I wanted to read Eclipse again before the movie came out, sort of as a refresher - so I decided to give it a whirl; we are reading it together and discussing it as we go. I'm not usually one to blog about these sort of things, but since a lot of my family and friends do the whole Twilight thing I thought I'd share...

We are about half way through and I've found that as into this book as I was the first time reading it, I don't really remember a lot of the things that happened... When I think of the stories I think of them as a whole, I remember the big significant parts throughout and the in-betweens seemed to have slipped away. I read the book and its almost like I'm reading it for the first time, I can't put it down. I've found that there are things I didn't notice in the book the first time I read it because I was in such a hurry to find out what happened that I missed them.

This time through I am annoyed with Bella; I feel like she should have more of a backbone and stand up for herself to Jacob and Edward who both seem (at times) a little bossy to me. And, I was completely Team Edward the first read and (though I think I am still for Edward) I can kind of see where Jacob is coming from and I sorta feel bad for him. Bella seems selfish to expect that from Jacob, but I have to say that I can also totally relate to her not being into Jacob that way, but still wanting to have a relationship/friendship with him.

This book is definitely High School.


Valerie said...

Love it! I would love to read those again, but I don't think those are allowed on a mish.... sad day.

Ma Biscuit said...

Good for you! I read the whole series twice. Um . . . I found your blog while looking for your e-mail in Facebook. Super cute!!!