Saturday, January 24, 2009


I entitled this post BEHIND because that's what I am, behind on keeping all you updated. I just realized how terribly long its been since I actually wrote something. Avery has grown so much since my last post and he is doing so many things now.
The Holidays went great. We don't actually have alot of pictures of Avery from Christmas because he didn't really get "excited" about gifts or anything!! Haha he really had no idea what was even going on - he just got passed around a lot and tons of toys he can't even play with yet. We basically just pointed at the toys and said, "this is for you!" while he stared into space.
In other news. Avery has been sleeping through the night for a while now, lucky - I know! :)
He is smiling and talking (well, babbling) SO much. He can almost laugh - right now its like a grunt/scream while smiling! He can recognize us and look around the room to find us if he hears our voices. He HATES it when we lay him on his tummy. He LOVES it when we hold him up so he can stand and look at everything; he is very nosey. He tries to fight sleep, and always loses!! Out little man wanna be can hold things in his hands and play with them, he's started putting toys in his mouth. And, he tries to fit his whole hand in this mouth - if he could he'd put both of them in there! Instead he just shoves as many fingers as possible into his mouth and a lot of the time he ends up gagging himself.

Yay!!! Here he is sitting in his chair in his jeans - I love those on him. And I didn't realize how much I like this color green on Avery until I really looked at this picture. He's so handsome!

He does ok in the excersaucer. He can't really keep his balance yet and he hasnt figured out he can stand if he puts his feet down.... so we have to stuff a blanket around him so he'll stay upright, otherwise he wobbles. But, he seems to like the toys.

Here is Avery enjoying some bananas. This was not his first food experience. I still regret not getting pictures from the first time cause he made some awesome faces... but these are what we have and I love this one, I think it's so cute.

The mad face. I think it's as cute as the happy face, which may be a bad thing but - here it is. Awwwww :(
P.S. i'll try to be better about posting more - but we are SO busy with school AND work AND a baby now, sometimes posting is the last thing on my mind!