Wednesday, April 23, 2008

FAT phase

So… I feel like I am at that stage in pregnancy - the most dreaded phase…. I have been dreading it and now its here. You know, that stage where you know you are pregnant and you are doing all the right things, but you have started to gain a little bit. Of course, it is natural and obviously the best for thing for the baby that growing inside my tummy…. But, lets just be honest - this is the stage where you just have those few extra pounds, yet no evidence of a baby… so people who don’t know for sure that you’re a Prego, think that you’re just getting fat!
I am at the FAT phase and I HATE it!!!
I realize that this is a part of being pregnant that everyone, and that I too must go through, but I have to admit that it is not and probably will NEVER be my favorite. :) - I wish I could skip the fat phase and just get a cute round belly! I'm a dreamer, huh?
Other than this phase where I am feeling like a whale, all other things are going great! Still no morning sickness, which my doctor says I probably won't have - YAY! I am just so TIRED all the time... We have an appointment tomorrow and if anything exciting happens I will be sure and write about it.


Amber said...

Congratulations!!!!!! I'm so excited for you and Alex. How far along are you???

Mary Mitchell said...

Get used to the fat phase . . . the cute belly phase lasts for like a month!