Monday, March 3, 2008

A New Life

two weeks ago we found out that we're pregnant. WOW. what a huge thing. we are pretty excited about it, but i have to admit that its a little scary. there is a life gorwing inside my tummy. in nine months we are going to be parents. are we ready? there are moments when i'm not sure... but i feel like i just have to believe that everything's going to work out. i feel like our heavenly father gave this gift to us and we just have to take it and have faith that he will be there and make sure that we are provided for. i get worried about school and work and what im going to do about finishing school; how am i going to manage that, work, and a baby. we dont really want our baby to go to day care but i dont see how we have another choice.... we need both of our income to pay for all the things we have to pay for. i guess i should just have faith that everything is going to work out and go the way its supposed to but it is hard to not worry.

on top of all that we are so excited. i thought that alex would be alot more freaked out but he hasnt been. he seems like he is really happy, which is relieving. except he does feel weird when we go and look at baby stuff :) i think its so funny because he just stands there kind of quirky. i love him so much. and i cant believe we are going to be parents together!

on the great side... i havent been sick at all. i was a little worried about that becuase i have classes in the morning but other than that i have been feeling great. i get really tired by 5 or 6 but other than that things have been running pretty smoothly.

i haven't made an appointment with an OBGYN yet, beucase we just had to change our insurance - which was another thing we were worried about... but that worked out! so, once we get our new cards i have to go see a new doctor and decide if i like her... i am excited to get a sonogram. so i'll update once i get it!! we also have to start looking for a new place. our lease runs out about the same week that i should be due so we arent sure that exactly we are going to do... but we're trying to work that out. there are alot of people here that are able to help us, so its a worry but i know that it will work out too.

anyway, i will udate the blog on experiences throughout the rest of my seven or eight months. i have alot of things to get stressed about but there is one thing that i know is going to be the best feeling in the world.... and that is that way we are going to feel when we're holding our new born baby. i cannot wait for that day.

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