Sunday, March 28, 2010

Oh, How the Times Change

And SO quickly too! Our little boy is growing up so fast that I can’t even keep up. It’s like he literally learns 1,000 new things a day. His vocabulary and his speech are different and better everyday…

Now, I know that he is not special in this and that it just happens… I mean, I studied Child Development in college so in no way am I really surprised at many of the things he can do and how fast he learns. I guess it’s just that no matter how much you know about children and development, when you become a parent you really get a whole different perspective. Do I know that children are sponges and they pick up things and learn everything incredibly fast? Yea but, I am STILL surprised when I see Avery doing something that I only showed him once. … absolutely!

Guys, I know I am just UH-mazed, because this is my child… so, pardon me for tooting my babies horn LOL but I can’t help it!! Plus, some of his grandmas have been asking about all the things he can do now

Here are some of the things that Avery has done recently that may not be all that special, but they were big in my book!!
~ Just a few weeks ago he didn’t want anything over him when he went to sleep – now he asks for a blanket: “bankie, bankie, bankie” : )
~ When we are going off, he goes to the driver side door and says “mama, mama” then to the back door and says “bebe, bebe”
~ He can tell me what the dog, the sheep, the cow, the fish, the cat and Lady GaGa says…. he can say a few colors: orange, blue, yellow, brown, red, and pink
~ He knows the members of our family – including some extended family and he can look at a picture of a different family and tell who the mommy, daddy and baby are.
~ He can blow his nose : )
~ And for a while now he’s known all of his body parts

AND last but not least – I think I am going to try and start potty training him as SOON as he hits 18 months because 1) he knows when he is going, he points to himself and tells me; and 2) when he’s in the bathroom he goes to the toilet, points inside and says “pee, pee”

Anyone got any tips on how to make it a smooth and relatively quick transition?
Here are some recent pictures of our little guy!

I feel like he looks so grown up in this one

I don't think it gets much goofier than that...

We took a trip to the beach this past Friday and Avery LOVED it!! The water was SO cold, but it didn't really seem to phase him...

After just a few waves, our feet were buried - Avery had sand up to his shins!!

Every time a wave would come he'd stick out his tongue and scream!

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