Friday, January 22, 2010


So, as you know from my previous post, I graduated in December. I know it's taken a long time but I feel like 5.5 years is pretty good considering I got married and had a baby through it all.... Here are some pictures for the ones I love who couldn't be there - I'm not sure why, but these pictures posted a little bit smaller than usual...

This one is one of my favorites...

These were actually taken about two weeks after graduation but there was no one else around so it was nice. It felt so weird to be standing there at the Arches in my cap and gown, I am so ecstatic that I have finally accomplished this huge goal! Yay me!! Believe it or not, I have been thinking a little bit about graduate school.

Many know this, but there is an old legend that if you walk through the Arches at the University of Georgia before you finish school, you"ll never graduate. So, here I am finally walking through in my cap and gown - it's official!!

Me with the fam

You can't finish out your college career at UGA without ringing the Chapel Bell!! This thing has been here for over 100 years and was originally used to call students to classes - nowadays its rung to toll Georgia football victories - what a sweet sound!


Amber said...

Congrats! We miss you here, but hope you're having a wonderful time in Florida! Have fun and enjoy the warm(er) winter!

Jared and Katy said...

Yay! Don't feel bad I will have taken 5 1/2 years too! YUCK! But I'm thinking I will feel that same way you do!