Friday, February 1, 2008

The First of Many

today is the day of our first blog. i decided to create a blog becuase of the family and friends that do not live here in Georgia - this way they can still be a part of our new life together. i plan to keep up with this on a regular basis, but who knows - i might night be very good at it!!!

a little bit about us now.....
alex and i are both in school and we both work a lot. we have been married for almost nine months and we live in a small place, we dont have al lot of money or material things, but we are rich in those things that cannot be bought with money. we have eachother and we both have families that love us! who could ask for more? well, we do have even more than that - we have our church family and we have the gospel of jesus christ. we can be together for eternity and that is something that is worth more than anything. i hope that if you choose to read our blog, that you find it interesting and humorous - because we sure do!!

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