Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Debbie Downer

This post is pretty much just going to be complaints... I know that our blog shouldn't really be an outlet for that sort of thing, but I just need to get some things off my chest so bare with me and thanks for listening slash reading.
  • I've felt like this for kind of a long time but... for some reason I think that people don't like me. I mean, do I give off a bad vibe or something? Do I seem snobby to others? I don't know, maybe it's my imagination but It just seems like people avoid me or that they know something bad about me that I don't know and they stay as far away as possible. And, this plague follows me. :(

  • I have a new found dislike for the State of Florida. Just, a lot of experiences I have had here left me with a bad taste in my mouth ranging from grocery shopping to the state departments (DMV) to the job market and all the stupid requirements and hoops you have to jump through. I feel like that is just another reason why unemployment is so high. Sheesh. And on top of all that....

  • TOURISTS - need I say more? ok, not all of them, but the vast majority act like they own the place. You go to the store and they expect you to drop everything and move outa their way, not to mention driving up the wrong way in the parking lot and walking in the middle of the road. They drive terribly. They are EVERYWHERE!!!! Ok, but I do understand that without them this place would probably be in even worse shape...ugh.

  • The weather - BAAH - I mean, I know it is just as hot in GA and that rain is good.... but seriously everyday? And somedays it rains ALL DAY long. Ok, and then it's still SOO HOT even after it rains - like the rain doesn't even cool it off a little. Unreal.


ok so now that I'm done with my rant.... PICTURES!!


Katy said...

Hey....it's okay to be a downer just not all the time. I will say I feel the same way you do sometimes. I love the pictures though...they are SOO cute!

The Wallentines said...

Hey- I like you! :)We should get together sometime- that way you won't hate it here so much and we can catch up with some good GA buddies! It took me a while to like FL too but it gets better- after living here a year I can honestly say that it feels like home and I'll be sad when it's time to go! :)Seriously- let's get together!