Thursday, September 3, 2009

llama, llama lots of drama

I'm not going to lie folks, I do like to hear gossip - I don't really like to talk it, but listening is not so bad. Though it's probably not a good choice (to contribute by listening), but you can't always control what people around you are talking about - can you??

I don't really want to get into details cause that would be gossiping, right?! =) but I do want say that over the years working with about 40 other women one could hear a whole heap of gossip.... enough crazy stories and drama to be like a reality show, or a soap opera {they are practically the same, right?} -
Or maybe like a Grey's Anatomy without all the sexual tension and more catty-ness; without all the Derek and more of the Christina; without all the cool lab coats and more of the ugly krk shirts..... you guys catching my drift here? Seriously, I wish I could be making money off of it.

And, if it wasn't gossping, I would tell you some of the stories that are going around right now!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

not crazy, but weird... kind of.....

guys - can you believe it? there's another alex n jess on blogspot!! ok, I guess its not really that surprising, but seriously - I just realized the importance of little symbols like the dashes in our blog address because otherwise they are exactly the same.

I'm wondering if this is stalkerish - because when I accidentally found theirs, I read some of it!!!! We are kind of similar, but so different. We have the same names of course and we are at the end of college/graduated.... but they are like world travelers and we are more settled and have our sweet baby boy. Both obviously blessed. It was interesting to see, definitely.

so guys, even though you probably link to our blogspot from either your own or someone elses, if you ever happen to type it in make sure you remember our dashes!!