Monday, March 16, 2009

Yay for free Sharpie's

Spring break was awesome. Alex, Avery and I went down to Orlando to help Valerie get packed and come back to GA. We left early on Wednesday morning and spent the days just taking a break from it all and having some fun. Here's some of the things we did!

Here is our little man doing so good in his car seat for such a long time - 8 hrs... :(

This was our first time going down to the boardwalk. So pretty and really nice to walk around.

Downtown Celebration - right before we met Nicole for dinner at Marketstreet. (Totally a tradition to go there everytime we are in town!)


Avery absolutely LOVED riding in his stroller and looking at all the sights. He thought the breeze was funny. He is SO nosey.

L.O.V.E. the picture of Nicole and the Dancing Hippo. Fantasia mini-golf was way fun and so much awesomer than any other mini golf because we got half price AND Free Sharpies!! Plus also, we got free golf balls - which was cool, but not as fun as mini-sharpies!

I also must mention that some people took way more than one ;)

Thanks Nicole, we had so much fun hanging out with you!!

On the way home we stopped and visited my Oma and Opa who live in Chiefland. So good to see them since my Opa had his surgery. Thanks for the way yummy pizza.

The drive home wasn't that bad, but the getting home and realizing that we had a big mess + laundry to clean was a bummer.

1 comment:

Jared and Katy said...

FUN FUN FUN!! LOVE the picture of Avery in the corner of the couch, he looks totally cool!