Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Blow Out

... And NO I do not mean Sale!!

So, today - this morning - Ave had his first blow out ever. I am sure there are more, and a lot worse ones, to come but I figured the first time it ever happens is the time to share.

This morning I get home from class and find my precious boogie sitting in his chair waiting for a yummy bottle. Wl aout half way through it he decides that he doesn't want anymore. Fine, so I sat him back in his chair to clean up a bit and there starts the pushing and grunting. I know whats happening, so I wait - there has bee too many a time that I was eager to clean his little bottom and find that he's not finished yet. gross.

SO, I take Avery to his room to change him only to find that its all down the side of his pants. and all over his leg. In telling this I have to add that Alex has somewhat of a weak stomach.... so I had to show him!! Of course, he hacked and gagged and choked and what not, Avery was laughing the whole time - I admit, it was quite humorous.

I'm not sure I'm going to be ready for the HUGE blow outs that I am expecting to come at some point in time, because this one wasn't that bad (in comparison to others I've seen at work).... so, we will see what little Avery has in store for us. :)

Here is our little poop monster - chillin' on his changin' table.


Jordan & Michael said...

girl that is too funny!! i'm sure avery was lovin' every minute of it!

Wallace Clan said...

YOu see we have missed you. Welcome back.

Avery is so adorable. Thanks for sharing.

Valerie said...

way to go Ave; make Alex puke!